Tips for living in Korea/Food & Market items5 [Food] Gwa-Meh-Ghi(과메기), the dried pacific saury There are some seasonal special dishes in Korea. Gwa-Meh-Ghi(과메기), the dried pacific saury is one of them. 과메기 is one of the very traditional food which is originated from south eastern sea side of Korean peninsula. This is only available during winter season, between December and January. Long before, 과메기 was only available on the manufacturing area because of the freshness is very important fo.. 2021. 1. 16. [Tous Les Jours] Two-in-One cake This is a late posting from last last holiday event. Me and my wife went to a bread shop called "Tous Les Jours(뚜레쥬르)", which means 'everyday' in French. I guess the meaning is "we prepare a good bread for you every day". Tous Les Jours is a franchise bread store from a conglomerate, so the quality the bread is very reliable. This time, we got the two flavored cake. One is tiramisu and the other.. 2021. 1. 15. [No Brand] Sweet and sour pork (눈꽃탕수육) The "No Brand" is a private brand of Emart. They sell various things without brand tag to provide nice quality items with inexpensive price. You can get this No Brand items from No Brand stores, Emarts, or Coupang online. Korea has Korean style Chinese food. This is different from Chinese original food. The most famous one is JJazang-Myeon(짜장면), the black bean paste noodle and JJam-PPong(짬뽕), th.. 2021. 1. 9. [Snack] Ho BBang(호빵) - The Korean style hot bun There are certain type of food very famous for certain season. In korea, especially winter is the best season for various delicious snacks and cuisine. One of the very best among the best is "Ho BBang(호빵)", the Korean style hot bun. Ho BBang(호빵) is consisted of two letters as you see. 호 represents blowing motion for a hot food to cool down, and 빵 is french word "Pain" meaning 'bread'. So 호빵 mean.. 2021. 1. 9. Lucky burger from McDonald Korea (행운버거) The first food & market item review had to be related to "Lucky" contents :) Well, in McDonalds Korea, there is a strange burger called "Lucky burger", which is "행운버거-Haeng Woon Burger". I'm not sure whether this is being sold in McD from different countries, but here in Korea, this comes back every holidays. This burger menu is only sold during the holiday season, usually for 30 days after chri.. 2021. 1. 6. 이전 1 다음 반응형