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Tips for living in Korea/Food & Market items

[Tous Les Jours] Two-in-One cake

by Lucky2HaveU 2021. 1. 15.

This is a late posting from last last holiday event. Me and my wife went to a bread shop called "Tous Les Jours(뚜레쥬르)", which means 'everyday' in French. I guess the meaning is "we prepare a good bread for you every day".


Tous Les Jours is a franchise bread store from a conglomerate, so the quality the bread is very reliable.


This time, we got the two flavored cake. One is tiramisu and the other is sweet potato cake. Well, tiramisu is the taste-we-all-know, but the sweet potato cake is not very popular in other countries.


So if you have not tried the sweet potato cake, this is probably best option because if you don't like the sweet potato flavor, there is tiramisu for back up option :)


