The "No Brand" is a private brand of Emart. They sell various things without brand tag to provide nice quality items with inexpensive price. You can get this No Brand items from No Brand stores, Emarts, or Coupang online.
Korea has Korean style Chinese food. This is different from Chinese original food. The most famous one is JJazang-Myeon(짜장면), the black bean paste noodle and JJam-PPong(짬뽕), the spicy red noodle, and last not but the least Tang-Soo-Yook(탕수육), the sweet and sour pork.
Noodle menus are not that expensive, so they are the most common orders(\5,000~7,000). The sweet and sour pork, however, is a bit more pricey(\20,000~\30,000), so usually we get one dish for 3~4 people to share.
But this No Brand sweet and sour pork is very nice. It is just enough amount for one or two people. This also is very easy to cook. Just get a pan, put some olive oils, and stir fry it for five minutes. When the frying is done, pour the soup into the pan and cook it for another one or two minutes. Done.
If you are lazy, you can also simply use microwave. Put it in a bowl, wrap it, and cook it for 4minutes(add more time if uncooked). when the meat is ready pour the soup and microwave it for another one minute. Done.
노브랜드 한입 눈꽃탕수육 375g x 2
This sweet and sour pork tastes very similar to orange chicken from the states. Not the exactly the same, but sweet and sour taste is quite similar.
This menu is perfect for beer. If you are getting weary of Korean style chicken and beer, the Chi-man(치맥), the sweet and sour pork is very recommendable menu for you :)
Try it!
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